This film follows Clive and Rosie as they embark on a radical course of sex therapy in the USA where they work intensively with a therapist and professional sex surrogate partner – who are trained and work with licences. For two weeks, Clive is partnered with the doyenne of sex surrogates Cheryl Cohen Greene, whose life story is told in the Oscar nominated film The Sessions. Rosie works with Gary Mallinickrodt – one of only 5 male sex surrogates in the US licensed to work with female clients.
This film follows Clive and Rosie as they embark on a radical course of sex therapy in the USA where they work intensively with a therapist and professional sex surrogate partner – who are trained and work with licences. For two weeks, Clive is partnered with the doyenne of sex surrogates Cheryl Cohen Greene, whose life story is told in the Oscar nominated film The Sessions. Rosie works with Gary Mallinickrodt – one of only 5 male sex surrogates in the US licensed to work with female clients.This film follows Clive and Rosie as they embark on a radical course of sex therapy in the USA where they work intensively with a therapist and professional sex surrogate partner – who are trained and work with licences. For two weeks, Clive is partnered with the doyenne of sex surrogates Cheryl Cohen Greene, whose life story is told in the Oscar nominated film The Sessions. Rosie works with Gary Mallinickrodt – one of only 5 male sex surrogates in the US licensed to work with female clients.