DON’T ❌ Try This Cake Recipe EVER! | FAILED Recipe | BaBa Food RRC
Tea Time Cake Written Recipe With Directions Ingredients: -Eggs (anday) 6 (at room temperature) -Milk (dhoodh) 1/2 cup (at room temperature) -All-purpose flour (maida) 1 1/2 cup (strain it well) -Icing sugar 3/4 cup (strain it well) -Baking powder 1 tsp (strain it well) -Cooking oil 1/4 cup Directions: -In a bowl, add eggs and milk. Whisk well with the help of an electric beater. -Add all-purpose flour, icing sugar, and baking powder. Whisk well with the help of an electric beater (medium speed). -Add cooking oil and whisk well with the help of an electric beater. -Take a baking pan, and grease it with cooking oil. Add the prepared mixture to the pan and mix well with the help of a stick. -Bake it for 30 mins at 180 C. -Let it cool, then dish it out, serve, and enjoy. Tips and Tricks: -Don't use pudding pans to bake a tea-time cake.